February 20, 2019 | Editor: Jen Dlugosz | Assistant Editor: Natalie Holden |
New Developments |
Missouri’s Game-Changing Opinion on Venue in Multi-Plaintiff Tort Litigation By Dominique Savinelli and Tim Larkin On February 13, 2019, the Supreme Court of Missouri dealt a significant blow against improper forum shopping by plaintiffs in mass tort litigation. The Johnson & Johnson “talc cases” currently venued in St. Louis city involve many plaintiffs whose claimed injuries arose outside that city, but for strategic reasons they prefer that venue. Typically, these cases include a single “local” plaintiff whose injury first occurred in St. Louis city. The remaining plaintiffs (sometimes dozens) are joined pursuant to Rule 52.05 and claim venue solely based on joinder with the “local” plaintiff(s). [Continue Reading] |
Supreme Court of Virginia Recognizes Employer Liability for “Take Home” Exposure By Michael Klebanov Recently, a divided Supreme Court of Virginia, in a 4-3 decision, recognized an employer’s liability for “take home” exposure. In Quisenberry v. Huntington Ingalls Inc., the Supreme Court held that employers can be liable for their employees unknowingly bringing home asbestos dust and exposing cohabitating family members to asbestos (i.e., “take home” liability). [Continue Reading] |
Seventh Circuit Holds Government Contractor only Required to Provide Short and Plain Statement Asserting Basis for Removal By Kayla Foley In a recent decision, the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals held that a defendant’s removal of an asbestos case was valid, even though it did not provide evidence supporting its federal contractor defense. In Betzner v. the A.O. Smith Corporation, the Betzners filed suit in Madison County, Illinois alleging that Bruce Betzner was exposed to asbestos fibers manufactured by Boeing during the course of his employment. Boeing filed a notice of removal under 28 U.S.C. § 1442(a), or the federal officer removal statute. [Continue Reading] |
Upcoming Events |
DRI – Toxic Torts and Environmental Law March 14-15, 2019 New Orleans, LA Several of our toxic tort litigators are attending this DRI seminar; we hope to see you there! |
Toxic Tort Monitor Archive |
December 2018
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Technology, Manufacturing & Transportation Toxic Tort Litigation Practice Companies face increasingly well‐coordinated attacks in jurisdictions across the country. These assaults are becoming more complex and costly as plaintiffs’ counsel pursue novel theories and claims to keep asbestos litigation thriving. Husch Blackwell’s team has experience in numerous jurisdictions throughout 37 states. Our attorneys can help you navigate the intricate web of plaintiffs’ firms, changing laws, evolving science and anti-defendant courts. [More information] |